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Print() in Python
Why read this ?While a basic print statement can serve you well, you will be printing a lot while debugging and getting results from your scripts, as such, it is a good investment, additionally it will help you read others code and look at some more advanced use cases.print('Win Win')
We all start here:
print(‘Hello World’)# OUTPUT:Hello World
If you want to separate the output into different lines, just use \n
print('Hello \nWorld')# OUTPUT:Hello
Numbers require you to cast them as strings :
print ('this is line: ' + str(1))
print ('this is line: ' + str(2))# OUTPUT:This is line: 1
This is line: 2
And of course you can wrap everything in a function and print the output:
def gDay():
return ('Good Day Sir !')print(gDay())# OUTPUT:Good Day Sir